How to Share Tweet on Facebook | Comprehensive Guide

Have you ever wondered how great it would be if you can post your tweet on your Facebook account too? Share Tweet on Facebook, Don’t tell me, you don’t know how to share tweets on Facebook? Duh, everyone knows that, right? No? Well, if you are someone who is unaware of how you do that, you have anchored your ship at the right port.

Ever wanted to share a Tweet on your Facebook timeline or on your Facebook page, and you couldn’t work out how to do it? One would be forgiven for thinking that this is an easy thing to do, but it’s actually not as straightforward as it may sound.

The process is short but a little bit complicated. But don’t worry, we have made a guide that will make it very easy for you. Kindly keep this thing in mind that here, we haven’t talked about auto-posting on Facebook and Twitter accounts at the same time. Here, you will learn the process of manually sharing a tweet to Facebook.

Step by Step Guide to How to Share Tweet on Facebook

Here’s how to share tweets on Facebook in these simple steps!

  • Get the Direct Link to a Tweet
  • The first step is most likely what people are struggling with the most: how to actually get the direct link to your tweet. Well, it’s actually pretty easy.
  • First, you have to log in to your Facebook and Twitter accounts.
  • Then, on your Twitter account, click on the share icon of the tweet that you want to share.

share tweet on facebook

  • In the pop-up menu, click on “Copy Link to Tweet”.

Share Tweet on Facebook-Price in Pakistan

  • Next, go to your Facebook account and paste the copied link of the desired tweet and wait for some time until the tweet is loaded.

Tweet on Facebook-Price in Pakistan

  • Finally, just post it, and there you have it, your tweet is shared to your Facebook account.

How to Share Tweet-Price in Pakistan

You may add some catchy or engaging content on your Facebook post before posting the link to get more audience to your Twitter account. Just follow these easy steps you can share a tweet on Facebook.


Sometimes, we need to share our tweets from Twitter to our Facebook account for marketing campaigns or any other reason. People often don’t know how to share tweets from their Twitter account to their Facebook account. The process may seem difficult but once done, it is very easy. We are confident that our guide will be of great help to you for sharing your tweets. To share a Tweet via Direct Message You may also prefer to share your message via direct message. If you know of another way to share a tweet to Facebook, kindly share it with us in the comments section. Now you know how to share a Tweet on Facebook.

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